Learning Online at The Bakery
Whether you’re a hobbyist looking to expand your skills or a professional seeking to take your career to the next level, our courses have something for everyone. Our online classes are designed to teach you everything from basic camera operation to advanced editing techniques. Taught by some of the most talented photographers and videographers in the area, our courses will provide you with hands-on instruction and guidance every step of the way. Our focus is not only on learning, but also on providing our students with a sense of community and belonging in the world of photography and videography. Join our online classes to unleash your full potential as an visual artist.

This course is designed to teach each student to be able to efficiently and consistently capture all types of photographic images using standard digital cameras with removable lenses (DSLRs) or film equivalents. By learning the various camera settings, functions, traditional and contemporary means of composition, to manipulate studio and/or natural lighting, at the completion of this course each student will have a solid foundation upon which he/she will be able to produce incredible images. Our semester is 6 months long. So, the total course duration will last from May 2024 through - October 2024. In achieving the above goals, the course will assist students in locating, manipulating, and mastering the settings on their cameras. The course is also frequented by guest lecturers with a wealth of field experience.
Instructor: Derrel R. Todd
Duration: 6 months
Dates: October 3, 2024 - March 27, 2025
Days Held: Thursdays
Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Welcome to our 6 month Advanced Imaging II Course. This course is designed to teach advanced professional photographers the skills that will differentiate them from their peers and colleagues in the industry. Over the years, I've found that those key distinctions come in the form of lighting, moreover light manipulation, posing, and the ability to successfully move between photographic genres....pivoting, if you will. In addition, instruction in the areas of successfully navigating social media and its By learning the various traditional and contemporary means of lighting, and composition, and the ability to manipulate studio and/or natural lighting, at the completion of this course each student will have a solid foundation upon which he/she will not only be able to produce incredible images, but do so repeatedly and in a way that they had not yet mastered or considered adding to his/her repertoire.
Instructor: Derrel R. Todd
Duration: 6 months
Dates: October 9, 2024 - March 26, 2025
Days Held: Wednesdays
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm

This course is designed to teach each student to be able to efficiently and consistently conceive, create, and edit several types of motion filled imaging using standard DSLR and/or Mirrorless cameras, and the latest industry standard editing software. By the completion of the course, the student will also be familiar with camera movements, lighting techniques, and the latest in editing trends when processing recorded footage. By learning various lighting diagrams, audio recording and microphone placement, camera settings & functions, as well as traditional and contemporary means of composition, continuity, capture, last but not least....editing, each student will have a solid foundation upon which he/she will be able to produce incredible moving images for any organization or individual, including oneself.
Instructor: Miesha Dennis
Duration: 5 months
Dates: November 12, 2024 - March 25, 2025
Days Held: Tuesdays
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Let’s face it, content is king and social media is here to stay, which means mobile videography is on the rise! This course is designed to teach students how to efficiently plan, capture, and edit videos using their mobile device(s). Students will learn how to storyboard and setup videos, lighting techniques, quality audio capture, and much more! While learning how to edit using various video editing apps, students will stay up to date with the latest social media video technology, trends, and tips. By the end of this course, students will have the necessary tool needed to produce professional looking and compelling content based videos that will not only appeal to their audience and potential clients, but enhance their online and social media presence overall.
Instructor: Miesha Dennis
Duration: 6 months
Dates: November 4, 2024 - March 31, 2025
Days Held: Mondays
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm


This course is designed to teach each student the functions of the various tools in Photoshop, how to retouch people/skin, correct poor exposures, add graphics and text to images, as well as remove unwanted persons or items from images. In addition, correcting so-so images, or "rescuing" bad ones will also be covered. By learning how to use the various tools and features available in Photoshop, several plugins, as well as other software to create exciting new images, each student will be able to take their photography hobby or business in an exciting and limitless new direction!
Duration: 3 months
Dates: TBD
Days Held: TBD
Time: TBD
For questions about upcoming courses, workshops, and/or tours, please contact us at info@footprintfotos.com